Uzun Hidrolik has a broad know-how and exprerience in hydraulic grab systems.

 The properties are given in the table. All hydraulic drive and control equipment from circuit diagram to hydraulic manifolds, motor unit and hydraulic cylinders  are designed, tested and delivered by our company. Orangepeel- and Clemshellgrabs are used extensively in dry cargo loading and unloading ports and iron and steel industry.

Pre-filling valves up to the nominal size of NG300 are designed and manufactured in our company. It serves to pre-fill the main  cylinder in idle speed and to cut off the relationship between the tank and the cylinder while performing the main duty, with a maximum flow rate of 10000 ltr / min. It is used in high flow and fast deep plastering presses, aluminum and copper extrusion presses and all kinds of high tonnage press technologies. 100% domestic designed valves with appropriate budget and improved performance with high quality are offered to the end user.

Special test stations for hydraulic equipment can be designed and produced in our company.

For catalogues please contact us.

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